Underbite in toddlers, causes and treatment

Underbite in toddlers, causes and treatment

According to dental statistics,  Only 10% of the world's population bite as it should. The correct bite understands the position of the jaws in which the upper teeth slightly overlap the lower. In this article, we will learn about underbite in toddlers- its causes and treatment.
Underbite in toddlers
Underbite in toddlers

Why is correct bite so important?

The bite reflects the state of the base of the skull, a strategically important area through which numerous nerves and vessels pass. If this area is free and accurate, then the brain is well supplied with blood. The impulses from the brain pass correctly and confidently regulate the work of the whole body. But because of disorders, the quality of the nerves are damaged, putting at risk the entire system of bodywork. And we suffer from underbite mostly in toddlers. Bite correction is work on the overall health of the body, and not just on a beautiful smile.

Is your baby bite, right?

Here are a few factors that help you to identify that is the baby bite is right, or he is a victim of an underbite.
Identification of normal bite

  • Normal bite toddlers happen when:
  • The teeth grow crowded together, closely:
  • There should be small gaps between the normal teeth.
  • The molars will be a little larger, and on them, nature provides a place reserve.
  • If milk teeth grow one to one or bump against each other, it means that the molar teeth will be much more closely, and they will literally grow one on another.

Identification of underbite
Underbite in toddlers happens when:

  1. A distal - overdeveloped upper jaw or underdeveloped lower jaw;
  2. Mesial - lower jaw pushed forward;
  3. deep - the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth by more than half their length;
  4. Open - most of the teeth of the upper and lower jaw are not closed;
  5. Cross - one-sided underdevelopment of the upper or lower dentition;
  6. Associated with dystopia (for example, canines) - the teeth are not in their place in the dentition (above, below or side).

Causes of underbite in toddlers

There are several important causes of underbite in toddlers which are explained below.


The underbite is inherited, and if the mother or father had the same problems as children, then the child is likely to repeat them exactly. Secondly, underbite could happen due to the bad habits of the baby, such as thumb sucking or long sucking dummy, can serve as causes. Thirdly, the violation of the teeth during teething or the development of certain diseases, such as rickets can also be a cause of underbite in toddlers.

Artificial feeding

The formation of pathological bite in children may begin as early as infancy. Most often, the underbite is diagnosed in children receiving artificial nutrition. The fact is in newborns lower jaw is somewhat shortened in relation to upper, and the first year of life, in the process of natural feeding, the size of the jaws is equalized. Sucking the maternal breast is accompanied by active work of the facial muscles and movements of the lower jaw, which contributes to its development.
In contrast, bottle feeding does not require a child to suckle and use the lower jaw, so she continues to lag behind in size from the upper jaw. And this leads to an underbite.

Premature loss of milk teeth

An important role in underbite in children is played by premature loss of milk teeth, violation of teething due to lack of minerals (fluoride, calcium) in the body, multiple caries, short frenulum of the tongue, jaw injury. Relatively rarely, underbite in children is the result of congenital disabilities, such as cleft palate or underdevelopment of the jaws.

Underbite in toddlers treatment

An experienced orthodontist can diagnose the likelihood of the development of an underbite in a child at any age of the baby, even if the baby has not yet cut teeth. At this age, a specialist doctor can recommend a mother to buy a special pacifier that helps to maintain the normal bite in a child from the first days of life. It is best to influence the problem before it occurs - a specialist will help direct the growth of teeth in the correct position.

The work of an osteopath.

The task of this doctor is to build the musculoskeletal system, restoring the mobility and plasticity of all joints, and thereby create the conditions for the formation of a beautiful, healthy bite.
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