Causes and treatment of cracked heels with home remedies

Why do cracks appear on the heels?

Heel cracks appear when the skin on the heels bursts. Dryness and pressure are the main reasons for the appearance of cracks since the skin cannot provide itself with the necessary level of moisture and is thinning.
Causes and treatment of cracked heels with home remedies
Causes and treatment of cracked heels with home remedies

Causes of heal cracks

Skin dehydration

One of the most common causes of severe dryness is skin dehydration.
Feet - this is the part of the body that we often do not indulge in hydration, although it is on the heels that a huge load when walking. Due to insufficient moisture, the skin on the heels coarsens, changes colour and, as a result, cracks appear that cause great discomfort. It is extremely important to monitor the hydration of the skin of the feet in the summer, when our skin suffers from hot and dry air, and also in the winter when we constantly wear closed shoes.

Improperly selected shoes

Corns appear on the feet and heels in places of maximum friction, which leads to coarsening of the skin. Often corns appear when walking too long, which is why it is so important to have comfortable shoes. Speaking about shoes, it should be noted that it is better to give preference to socks and tights made of natural materials since synthetics injure the skin and cause various skin reactions.

vitamin deficiency.

Long, malnutrition directly affects the condition and hydration of our skin, so it is extremely important to monitor nutrition, especially in the autumn-winter period. If cracks appear on the heels, analyze your nutrition and try to diversify it as much as possible.

Dehydration of the skin may also occur due to improper care.

Neglecting normal hygiene can lead to the development of cracks in the heels. It is extremely important to monitor hygiene - daily wash and moisturizes the feet, do not forget about the pedicure. But you should not be too zealous in the pedicure. It is not necessary to rub the heels strongly or to cut off the deep layer of rough skin, such excessive peeling can only lead to deterioration of the skin condition. It is also important to choose a good moisturizing cream that will not dry the skin and cause allergies.

Various fungal diseases, such as mycosis

In this case, it does not make sense to self-medicate, you should contact a dermatologist who, after making a diagnosis, will select the correct treatment.
If there are no visible reasons for the appearance of this problem, then it is quite possible that they can be caused by some diseases. So, often, diseases of the endocrine system lead to skin problems. The same applies to gastrointestinal tract diseases. In this case, self-medication will not help, or may even aggravate the picture, so a visit to a doctor is mandatory. After passing the necessary tests, the doctor will be able to determine the course of treatment that will need to be followed.

Deep cracking of the heels, causes and treatment

If small manifestations of dryness do not cause severe discomfort, then deep cracks on the heels cause not only aesthetic discomfort. Dust and dirt getting on the skin, as well as lack of proper care, can lead to serious problems. If you do not have the most running option, then you can solve this problem yourself. This process includes several procedures: emollient baths, steaming, compresses, the use of special ointments that will help you quickly get rid of rough skin.

Heal cracked heels quickly and efficiently

If you do not want to be treated at home, then you can contact the beauty salon, where you will have a special procedure to remove excess skin from your heels. During this procedure, you will carefully remove the coarsened skin of the dermis and treat the edges of the wounds. It is possible that you will need more than one such procedure. However, even this procedure does not completely exclude home treatment. Special baths, compresses and skin moisturizing at home are required even after visiting the salon.
If you decide to treat at home, the procedure should look like this:
  • Skin softening with a bath or compress
  • Gently remove excess skin
  • Apply healing or softening cream
  • Grease your feet with cream overnight and put on cotton socks.
Fast healing of the skin of the feet is also possible with the use of special ointments that are anti-inflammatory in nature. Such ointments are relevant if the cracks burst and the inflammatory process begins.

Best ointments for cracked heels

How to get rid of cracks in the heels folk remedies

Oatmeal mask

Oatmeal has excellent emollient and helps restore skin faster. Just boil the thick porridge in water, put a little linseed or other oil in it and distribute into two bags. We immerse our feet in bags and spend about 2 hours. Such a mask should be done at least 2-3 times in order to achieve a good result.

Honey compress for heels

Well moisturizes the skin of the feet and honey compress. Steam the legs, anoint the feet with honey, then wrap them with a fresh cabbage leaf. For reliable fixation, put on socks or fasten with gauze, bandage. Perform several days in a row.

Trays of starch

Add a tablespoon of starch per litre of warm water. Keep your feet in it for 30 minutes, then gently remove excess skin. Repeat this procedure several times a week.

Herbal baths

Herbs will have a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect. Solutions of calendula, sage and chamomile are the best suited for this home spa treatment. But remember that the main thing is regularity because at one time you can’t get rid of cracks in the heels.

Special foot dressings 

Special foot dressings will help in the fight against this delicate problem. The most effective dressings are chopped onions, cabbage leaf. You should cook the pulp and attach to the feet. If the skin of the stupas is in a very neglected condition, a mixture of fish oil and flour will help.

cosmetic and pharmacy creams for curing heels

There are a number of cosmetic and pharmacy creams and ointments that will help put your feet in order. The most common of them:
 It perfectly removes dryness and has a healing effect.
This ointment has an anti-inflammatory effect and perfectly nourishes the skin.
Using this cream helps prevent cracking on the heels.
It has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, can be used for bleeding cracks.
Antifungal ointment, used if cracks in the heels are caused by a fungus.
Contains natural ingredients and quickly regenerates damaged tissue.

Salicylic ointment for cracked heels

Separately, salicylic ointment, which perfectly copes with this problem, should be mentioned. Before use, steam the legs in a bath with sea salt, apply ointment to damaged areas and wrap the feet with foil. Put on your socks and walk about 2 hours. Rinse off the ointment and brush the heels with any moisturizer. Apply this ointment several times a week.

Remedy for cracking on the heels with glycerin and ammonia

The result is smooth and gentle feet.
Mix in equal proportions ammonia and glycerin. A bandage folded several times, dipped in the resulting solution and applied to the heels. Wrap the feet with foil and put on warm socks. You can be in such a compress until morning. Then wash off the feet and apply any cream. For greater effect, any foot bath can be made in front of the compress.

Cracks cure with vinegar

Regular vinegar will soften the skin on the heels. The recipe for a bath with vinegar: for 1 litre of water, take 2-3 tablespoons. tablespoons of vinegar. You can also dilute the vinegar with water (in equal proportions) and make a night compress. Such procedures should be performed 3-4 times a week.

Hydrogen Peroxide Treatment

Footbaths: for 2 litres of hot water you will need 5 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide.
You can also rub peroxide on the feet. Take 6 tablespoons of warm water and 1 tablespoon of peroxide. Rub the mixture into the heels with a cotton swab for several minutes. Then apply a moisturizer.
Zinc ointment for cracks
Another proven method that will help get rid of coarse feet is zinc ointment. In total, you will need at least 7-8 procedures. It is optimal to use the ointment in the morning and evening. Apply the ointment to the damaged skin with a thin layer, several times a day. In addition to using the ointment, also make foot baths and gently remove rough skin.

Cracks in the heels is a fungus or not

To get rid of the aesthetic problem, you should first find out if you have a fungus. Remember that fungal diseases are accompanied by the following symptoms: peeling of the foot, the appearance of redness and rashes between the fingers, purulent vesicles, severe itching and an unpleasant odour. If you do not have these symptoms, then most likely we are talking about normal dehydration of the skin and improper care. In any case, if you are not sure, it is best to consult a doctor. Only after passing the necessary tests can you accurately diagnose and choose the right treatment regimen.

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