Cabbage lettuce benefits, nutrition value and side-effects

Cabbage lettuce benefits, nutrition value, and side-effects

Do you know some of the benefits of eating lettuce and cabbage?  Let's take a look at Cabbage vs Lettuce benefits, nutrition value and side-effects by Trace Wellness. Cabbage Lettuce both are very important for good health. Lettuce and cabbage can add vitamins and minerals which are beneficial for our body.

The appearance of lettuce

The appearance of lettuce is green, and the leaves are large. It is a kind of vegetable with great taste and nutritional value. Generally, we like to cook it simply and eat it, retaining the original taste without losing flavour. We all know that eating lettuce has many benefits, so this is one of the reasons people choose to eat it.


Lettuce nutrition

Lettuce is one of the high-nutrition and low-fat vegetables, which promotes the digestion and absorption of fat and protein. It has the effect of losing weight. Eating lettuce is good for the health of the body. Lettuce nutrient content, rich in β carrot pigment, vitamin Bl, B6, vitamin E, and vitamin C. There are a large number of dietary fiber factors and trace elements such as magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and a small amount of iron, copper, Zinc.

Types of Lettuce 

Leaf lettuce

It forms only leaves, which can have even and notched edges. Cultivation of this type of culture can be carried out in several stages. Minus leaf lettuce - not subject to long storage. In the photo, leafy salad 

Iceberg lettuce  

The leaves of the varieties of this group are hard but juicy and oily. Heads of cabbage can have different sizes. In the photo is a head of lettuce The best varieties of lettuce for open ground We turn to the consideration of specific varieties of each type of salad, recognized as the best in the circle of gardeners. These are the most delicious and productive varieties that do not require special care.

Ballet lettuce

A variety of lettuce, famous for its resistance to low temperature and low light conditions. It can lie for a long time without loss of quality. Suitable for spring cultivation in the open and protected ground. 

lettuce salad recipe

Use 300 grams of lettuce, 150 grams of small radish, 100 grams of bitter gourd, five small red peppers, 30 grams of mung beans. 
Soak the mung beans for one night, then boil, pour the water, and simmer for a while; mix well with one tablespoon sesame oil. And a little salt for 10 minutes. Lettuce, bitter gourd, radish, small Cut the red pepper into convenient size; mix all kinds of materials, add the appropriate amount of sugar, cooked sesame, a little vinegar, mix well and serve. 

Side effects of lettuce

  • Lettuce is extremely sensitive to ethylene. Keep away from apples, pears, and bananas when storing, so as not to induce red spots.
  • Lettuce cool, frequent urination, stomach cold people should not eat more. Otherwise, it will easily aggravate the condition and even lead to abdominal distension and diarrhoea, causing loss of appetite.
  • Whether it is fried or cooked lettuce, time is not too long, so that you can maintain the crisp taste of lettuce without destroying its nutrients.
  • Cooked lettuce should not be eaten after overnight. Green leafy vegetables contain more nitrates. After storage for some time, they will become nitrites due to the action of enzymes and bacteria. Nitrite is a harmful substance that causes stomach cancer.
  • Lettuce is likely to have pesticide residues, must be washed before eating. The lettuce can be soaked in water for 20-30 minutes, then rinsed repeatedly with water. Since the alkaloids in the rice water have a good dissolving effect on harmful substances such as pesticides, the lettuce can also be immersed in the rice water for 10 minutes. Then the immersion liquid is poured off and then repeatedly rinsed with flowing water.
  • People who are allergic to lettuce should not eat. Lettuce may also become an allergen. If it is allergic to lettuce, eating lettuce may cause skin irritation, frequent diarrhoea, indigestion, headache, sore throat, asthma, and other allergic symptoms, so this group of people should also avoid eating lettuce.
  • Lettuce, and peak honey to eat together can lead to diarrhoea.


The homeland of cabbage is the Mediterranean, where many of its wild relatives are still found. There are about 100 species of cabbage, but only a few are cultivated. The most common and oldest of the cultivated cabbage species is garden or cabbage. It was used in the Stone Age, and the ancient Egyptians began to cultivate cabbage first. Cabbage spread through the Greeks who lived by the Black Sea.

The most popular varieties of cabbage

The composition and properties of cabbage vegetables are very similar. But among them, there are both favourites and outsiders. What is the most healthy cabbage? What is the difference between each other?
here are the most popular varieties of cabbage 
  • White cabbage (with a large dense head)
  • Red cabbage (with blue-violet leaves)
  • Savoy cabbage(with the loosehead because of the “corrugated” leaves)
  • Brussels sprouts (with small cabbages)
  • Cauliflower (with fleshy apical shoots of various colours: from white to green and purple)
  • Sarepta cabbage (better known as Russian mustard)
  • Beijing cabbage (cabbage, half-cabbage, and leaf)

The nutritional value of Cabbage

The nutritional value of cabbage can vary significantly depending on weather conditions and growing technology. In particular, the use of irrigation in arid areas increases productivity but reduces the content of sugars, and vitamin C. Irrigation does not affect the protein content in cabbage.

White cabbage

proteins                              1.8 g
fats                                     0.1 g
carbohydrates                      4.7 g

Red cabbage 

proteins                               0.8 g
fats                                     0.2 g
carbohydrates                      5.1 g

Brussels sprouts

proteins                              4.8 g
fats                                    0.3 g
carbohydrates                     3.1 g

kohlrabi cabbage

proteins                              2.8 g
fats                                    0.1 g
carbohydrates                     7.9 g

Chinese cabbage

proteins                              1.2 g
fats                                    0.2 g
carbohydrates                    2.03 g

Savoy cabbage

proteins                              1.2 g
fats                                     0.1 g
carbohydrates                        6 g


proteins                               2.5 g
fats                                     0.3 g
carbohydrates                      4.2 g

Biological value

There is practically no fat in the cabbage, but the lipids contained in it are of great interest - fat-like substances. These, together with organic acids, give the cabbage a specific taste and smell, making it a strong causative agent of the digestive glands. Therefore, cabbage is recommended by doctors with low acidity of gastric juice.

The content of minerals cabbage

Cabbage is rich in mineral salts. Especially a lot of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron. Due to a large amount of potassium, cabbage helps to eliminate fluid from the body.

Benefits of cabbage

Weight loss

The use of cabbage for the human body is huge, so it is often used in diet food. The composition contains a lot of water and fiber, which positively affects the body with obesity. Complex carbohydrates do not increase weight but help to activate metabolism.

Stimulates the digestive process

Vegetable removes excess water from the body, removing the swelling. It stimulates the digestive process. It is recommended to use juice squeezed from the leaves. Element choline contributes to the normalization of body fat, and an abundance of fiber cleanses the gastrointestinal tract from slagging and improves stool. Vegetables can be eaten in any quantity and form, without fear of getting better.

Prevent Ulcers

Cabbage is very useful for diseases of the stomach and intestines. It contains a rare vitamin U, which is used in the treatment of disorders of the mucous membrane of the digestive system. In addition to the main treatment, doctors recommend drinking squeezed juice with honey.

Tissue regeneration

Food made from an acidic or fresh product has a positive effect on tissue regeneration. The composition contains substances that reduce the acidity of the stomach. They make the internal environment less aggressive, which helps in recovery processes. Properties are preserved in a processed form.

The antibacterial benefits of cabbage

Lactic and acetic acids have antibacterial properties, destroying viruses, and improving the resistance of the immune system. If you need to make up for the lack of elements quickly, just drink a glass of brine. In it, the concentration of all components is two times higher than in fibers.


The use of fresh leaves increases haemoglobin, which is indicated in the treatment of anaemia. Of course, the vegetable will not be able to replace the medicine completely, but it will help make up for the missing components and improve the effect of chemicals.

Bronchitis and asthma

Cabbage juice helps to eliminate sputum in bronchitis. Juice has long been known as a good expectorant with a mild antimicrobial property. In addition, the liquid softens coughing attacks in asthma.

Liver diseases

When treating liver problems, fresh cabbage salads are indicated every day. The constituents of the substance help to reduce the inflamed organ and improve the excretion of bile.

Cabbage benefits for beauty

Useful properties of the composition of cabbage are used in cosmetology for girls and women. Freshly squeezed juice has a mild whitening effect. It removes age spots, a couple of drops of lemon are added to the product, after which they wipe the problem areas twice a day. The first results are noticeable after seven days.
Fresh masks reduce wrinkles and improve skin tone. Fresh leaves relieve swelling and eye fatigue. The raw materials are crushed in a blender, after which the finished mass is put on forever. If you add honey, the tool will help fight crow's feet.

Cabbage side effects


For people, the harm of fresh cabbage with pancreatitis is enormous. Containing fiber negatively affects the diseased organ, activating unpleasant manifestations. Doctors warn that in raw form the vegetable is strictly prohibited, and after heat treatment and ripening, you can eat no more than 100 g per day. The product must be gradually entered into the menu, observing the reaction of the body.

Bowel disease

Contraindications to use with irritable bowel syndrome. The abundance of coarse fibers, calcium, and protein worsens health. Food discomfort is aggravated by bloating and pain. If a healthy person can easily overcome the symptoms, then the patient will have to seek medical help.


Cabbage can also be harmful to children under eight months of age. If used too early, the product will cause constipation and discomfort. In addition, even the minimum content of natural vinegar is a threat to the baby’s fragile body. Despite the nutritional value, there is histamine in the food that causes allergies.
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