How to release trapped emotions stored in your body?

How to release trapped emotions stored in your body? 

We are emotional beings, and we were born to express emotions freely and openly. However, in the process of life, we are not taught how to release trapped emotions or negative emotions. These trapped emotions can be stored in the body and cause many severe complexities.
How to release trapped emotions
How to release trapped emotions

In this article we will teach you:

  1. What are Trapped Emotions?
  2. What causes trapped emotions?
  3. Where are emotions stored in the body?
  4. How to release trapped emotions?

What are Trapped Emotions?

Trapped emotions are complex and intense emotions that get stuck in you. It is never easy for someone to deal with trapped emotions.

What causes trapped emotions?

As our parents never taught us how to deal with complex emotions, since they did not know what to do with them. Therefore, testing them, I often felt depressed, ashamed of my inability to be a good girl. I learned to keep my pain deep inside, angry at myself, feeling invisible, lonely, and unable to talk about what torments me. Trying to hide the pain - from others and from myself - I built walls, put on masks, and fought with myself.
At times, I had signs of anxiety disorder and sluggish depression. And all this made me deal with my old repressed memories and emotions that came in the form of various psychosomatic symptoms: headache, chronic back pain, and feelings of anxiety. In my childhood, I used to hide from emotional pain, jumping into the world of books, music, and scientific knowledge.  But now, I realized that I was strong enough to handle it. I was no longer that little girl, so I didn’t have to hide.
I became a mature person who possessed all the necessary resources to face the pain that had previously overwhelmed my young brain, and, finally, to recover from it.

Where are emotions stored in the body?

The truth is that we hide our feelings all the time. We deny uncomfortable emotions in an attempt to self-preservation; that is, we have turned on a kind of protective mechanism.
We try to hide such complex emotions as shame, fear, or anger.
When we experience events that fill us with strong emotions that we cannot process, then instead of accepting them and expressing them with the mind and body, we hide them somewhere deep inside ourselves where others cannot see them. And ultimately, we hide this fact from ourselves. Nevertheless, they continue to remain there.
This raw emotional energy is stored in our organs, tissues, and stored in muscles. This leads to chronic health problems and undermines our overall well-being.

How to release trapped emotions

Releasing emotions stored in the body is essential for your health.
There are three steps to handle the emotional energy stuck in your body. In order to process negative emotions and release them from our body, we need to learn how to express them healthily. But first, we need to understand how to recognize and accept our feelings.

Step 1: Recognition (introspection)

The most important trapped emotions release technique is to recognize the emotion and feel it in your body, that is, to recognize it. We must understand and realize what is happening, and experience this feeling as a whole, without judging ourselves for it. Buddhist teaching tells us that the cause of human suffering is the rejection of what is happening and resistance to it. But acceptance, on the opposite, can free us from negative, and we should accept the truth instead of trying to escape from it.
We must perceive any difficulty with compassion for ourselves and the understanding that this will eventually pass.
We need to fully experience this feeling to process and integrate it into our experience internally. Practice mindfulness to better recognize your feelings and to be able to observe the bodily sensations associated with these feelings when they arise and disappear throughout the day. Passing through complex emotions, show compassion for yourself. 
Practice: Sit calmly for several minutes with your eyes closed. Be curious and listen to your body. What is your body feeling right now? Do you feel pressure or tingling sensation? In which place? Do you feel heavy, warm, tight, or cold? What is the feel, and shape of the sensations that you witness in your body?
What emotions are these feelings associated with? What do these parts of your body want to tell you? What do they really need?

Step 2: Answer (self-expression)

To process releasing stuck emotions, we must express them. Your task is to move the energy of emotions through the body, which allows you to let them go.
This self-expression must be genuine and organized. Remember that true healing only happens when the combination of body and mind occurs. Therefore, first of all, try to express emotions at the physical level.
Ask yourself: how would you like to throw out the emotion you are experiencing?
Maybe you want to cry, scream in a pillow, swim, walk, run or dance, hit a punching bag, do gardening, draw your feelings or breathe deeply while looking at the sun - at this moment you can do anything that will cause inside you catharsis. Let the stress come out of your body.
Thanks to this, you will be able to take off your shackles and free yourself from the toxic emotions that you carried in yourself. One of the best forms of emotional healing is keeping a diary. This can be an excellent therapeutic experience of self-knowledge, reunion with our true self, and the processing of the deepest feelings and emotions.
Thus, we allow finding a voice in our inner world.
Writing is a great way to process and understand what is happening inside and around us. By writing about our fears and pains, we get the opportunity to look at them from afar and, in the end, let them go. This liberation can be truly healing. Try to take notes every day to better express and process your feelings. Do not judge or censor yourself by splashing out all your emotions on paper in a completely unfiltered form. Over time, your diary will become your security territory, which will allow you to break the deadlock and move forward.
We often do not have enough time or space to process the emotions we experience, and daily journaling will be your opportunity to experience the feelings that you experienced during the day. 
Record request: What is happening in your life that you would like to change now? What is the most significant source of frustration for you? When you write, give attention to the sensations you experience in your body. Focus on places that are numb or in pain. What is the body trying to tell you this way? What exactly do you need to work on to heal or change this?

Step 3: Reset (personal care)

Best way to release trapped emotions is personal care. We are used to neglecting our bodies and ignoring our feelings. But finally, the time has come to take care of yourself. Take a moment to take a break and be alone, take a walk in nature, do creative work, listen to music, cook your favourite dish, meditate to clear your mind and relax your body, take a bath with foam or take a nap. Take care of yourself to experience the joy of life and the simple pleasures that will nourish your body, mind, and soul.
Trapped emotions stand in our way. They undermine our efforts to create the life that we would like to live in and make us unhappy. The release of emotional energy stuck in our bodies can turn our lives for the better. It is a healing and liberating experience. And you deserve it!

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